Syrian President Congratulates Lebanon on Liberation Day

10:49 - May 25, 2021
News ID: 3474806
TEHRAN (IQNA) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad congratulated Lebanon on the anniversary of liberation of its southern regions from Israeli occupation back in 2000.


In a message to his Lebanese counterpart Michel Aoun, Assad underlined that the victory proved that occupation is certain to end no matter how long it lasts, Al-Ahed News reported.

He also praised the sacrifices and resistance of the Lebanese people that led to the liberation of its lands.

Every year in May, Lebanon commemorates the anniversary of the Israeli withdrawal from its southern territories, known as Resistance and Liberation Day.

Hezbollah forces pushed the Israeli troops out of the southern parts of Lebanon on May 25, 2000, after more than two decades of occupation.

The national holiday in Lebanon is seen as a turning point that changed the regional equations and debunked the myth of Israel’s invincibility.


